Why I am Skipping New Year’s Resolutions This Year

Why I am Skipping New Year’s Resolutions This Year

With the start of a new year, there’s often a sense of fresh possibilities, but also a hint of pressure. For many, this means setting New Year’s resolutions: to get fit, lose weight, learn a new skill, or finally tackle that daunting project. Yet, year after year, I have found myself making resolutions I don’t keep. So, this year, I have decided to take a different approach, one that’s less about goals and more about what truly matters.

Instead of chasing resolutions I don’t keep, I’m focusing on what truly matters, spending more quality time with my family and Harry. Just before Christmas, Harry had a vet check-up, and the vet mentioned that Harry was “old.” I didn’t quite know how to respond to that, Harry isn’t old; to me, he’s still a puppy. But the vet’s comment was a poignant reminder that time with Harry is short and precious.

So, this year, my “non-resolution” is simple: I want to make more time for the moments that matter most with Harry.

That’s where Harry’s Little Adventure Jar comes in.

Harry’s Little Adventure Jar is a way to create more enjoyable moments together. It’s filled with simple, joyful activities, mini-explorations, and adventures, big or small, that add fun, connection, and rewarding experiences into our time together. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about creating moments that matter.

Inside our jar, we’ve included activities like ACE Free Work, scentwork, parkour, mindful body contact, foraging fun, sniffing adventures, and trips to the beach, lakes, and mountains. Each activity is something we both find rewarding, designed to make our time together meaningful and memorable.

How to Create Your Own Adventure Jar

Harry’s Little Adventure Jar isn’t just for us. You can create your own jar, filled with simple, fun activities that you and your dog can enjoy together, from mini-explorations to quiet moments of connection. It’s a perfect way to add a little more joy, adventure, and spontaneity to your days.

I even made it easier for myself by colour-coding the activities in our jar based on how much time we have. Each day, I choose one to three activities, depending on the time available, whether it’s a quick moment of connection or a full day of adventure. The colours range from a few minutes (like a quick game of tuggy, “What's This?”, mindful body contact, or scentwork) to a longer outing (like a trip to the beach or a sniffing adventure). This way, no matter how busy the day gets, we can always make time for a mini-adventure.

How to Get Started

If you’d like to try this with your dog, here’s how to create your own adventure jar:

1. Grab a jar and some paper. You can colour-code your activities if you'd like, based on the amount of time you have.

2. Brainstorm a list of simple activities that you both enjoy.

3. Write each activity on a piece of paper and fold it up.

4. Every day, draw one or more activities and make time to do them.

    So, here’s to a new year without resolutions, just more moments that matter. Because sometimes, the best way to start fresh isn’t with a list of goals—it’s with a jar of adventures.

    If you are looking for new activities to enjoy with your dog, the Confident Canine Hub has plenty to offer. You can explore fun games, ACE Free Work, scentwork, parkour, TTouch, Real Dog Yoga, and much more.

    Happy New Year from Harry and me! x